
April 3, 2011

I Mean Really...

Tonight as I sit here I am thinking about all of the pain that females go through. As we form bonds and cultivate relationships I often wonder why are some of our relationships so painful. Currently, I am going through a mental discord concerning my real emotional feelings about a significant person in my life (a dear co-worker). Sometimes things are obvious and staring me in the face. However, I sometimes choose to dismiss them thinking they will get better. I mean really will some things get better or are some relationships meant to just take a rest?  As I ponder these thoughts continue to lift me and others like me in prayer so we make the right decisions about severing ties with people that cause us mental anguish. Are these individuals in our lives to keep us on our knees or even to lead them to Christ? I mean really...

March 4, 2011


After a very long week of you name it, the weekend is finally here. Well, the days are any way. I along with a few other individuals have committed to teaching an after-school program. Although there is a lot of paper work involved, we are a faithful little team that by the grace of God always manage to pull things off. I guess tonight I have an attitude of gratitude.
 As I continue to live this life, I find that truly we cannot make it in this world by yourself.  When I was a child I thought like a child, I acted like a child; however, as I continue to live I find that I must put away childish things if I am to fulfill God's divine plan in my life. When you are a young adult and trying to prove to your parents, your peers, and most importantly yourself that "I can do this on my own and I don't need anyone else's help"  soon learn over time that no one is really a self-made anything. It is the relationships that you cultivate that make you successful. Down through the years there have been people that have helped me meet my goals and believed in me.
As I enter into another  cross road in my life, I now find that I am where I need to be. That is truly understanding that no man is an island, no man stands alone, each man must be a brother or sister to her fellow man and give a helping hand. To those of you that work with me, I want to say thank you for all that you do to make what we do a success.
A special shout out to my husband for always being there despite whatever. Thanks for doing you and for doing it so well.
No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.
John Donne, Meditation XVII English clergyman & poet (1572 - 1631)

February 27, 2011

Speak Life

Today, the children at church performed a Black History Program.  Although, I was in the rear of the sanctuary unable to see their performances, I could hear them.  Working behind the scenes along with another sister of the church to ensure that the children came out in the correct order to perform their parts. According to the reviews from members of the church the children did a great job. The event worked well only because everyone pulled together to make it work. We had two sisters from the church that work with the children consistently along with my husband and myself that pulled it together in about 48 hours. However, the real testament goes to all of the parents that let their children come out and rehearse Friday night and then allowed them to show up Sunday morning. Since our youth department is so small, it is indeed a source of great joy when everyone shows up and actively participates. I thank God for allowing all of the events that led to the production to work out. Truly, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

My point to this post is that today, the children affirmed what they wanted to be when they grow up. Some stated they wanted to be a doctor, a fashion model, a minister, an artist, and  a couple of sports stars. The morning message was to speak life into the children and to everyone that we come into contact with. Basically, we were encouraged to speak positive affirmations into our love ones and not to tear down people that come into our presence. As the message went forth, I was thinking that I needed to speak positive affirmations into my love ones not just when they are with me but when they are not in presence. It is easy to tell people something good when they are in your face but what about when they are nowhere around? So the challenge for me is not to speak life when they are around but to speak and think positive affirmations when they are not around. Focus on the good and not the negative things that sometimes drive my thought life.

February 5, 2011

Jehovah Rapha

For the past two weekends I have been B U S Y. Looking for some rest. However, life never takes a break.
About two days ago, as I was looking forward to the weekend, looking forward for  some rest, looking forward for a chance to just relax, and thinking about not getting  out of the bed before 12:00 noon; my faith was tested.  I received some disturbing information about my mother. As the oldest of three, my immediate posture is to be the one that is strong and to be the one that shows emotion only when necessary. And to be honest, I was okay until I spoke to my husband about the situation and I immediately sobbed.  My emotional breakdown gave way to a faith statement, "I know God can do anything but fail."
Later on that evening, my brother, a medical doctor explained to my mother, my husband,  and me about what the doctor had found. I noticed how his professional mannerisms of explaining what was happening give way to a son that was attentive, sensitive, and caring. He reminded me of a father trying to explain something very important to a child; especially, when she began to ask questions that went against his technical explanation of what was going on. But, my mother's response to this situation has been the most powerful.
My mother's response to this situation has been one of an authoritative stance .  She stated, "I ain't claiming nothing this doctor is talking about." As I heard these words come out of her mouth, I was thinking "I know that's right mama." Her words of faith and actions towards healing immediately caught hold with my spirit and I entered into agreement with her that our God is a healer (Jehovah-Rapha). For with His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).
I ask today that you stand with me today and believe God for my mother's healing.

January 29, 2011

Proud Aunt

This morning I went to see my niece play basketball. It was such a sight to behold. As I was watching her run up and down the court, slipping her hand in to hit the ball out of her opponents hand or just guarding her appointed with great vigilance, I was elated. Elated because I remember when she was about 5 or 6 years old and just starting out with the local YMCA. I remember her along with the other small children on her team and the opposing team too, just running up and down the court with no sense of purpose. They were just out their trying to learn the game or just pleasing their parents. Whatever the reason, the persistence has paid off and she really has improved. I have seen her evolve as a female athlete and as a human being.

The countless hours my sister and mother have spent taking her to and from practice, loading her up for AAU games, or local school games has been time well spent. If she ever reads this, I want her to know that Auntie is proud of her and I look forward to seeing her play more games. I want to tell her "Thank you" for not quitting even though sometimes she felt like it. Like the time she was playing with a less productive middle school team or some of the slow starts with her AAU teams (smile).

Time indeed brings about a change and I look forward to seeing her play more games. Go Girl!

January 18, 2011

Site Rating:Keeping it Safe

I have spent the last two days trying to figure out how the Norton Security Safe Web works. Let me tell you, if it was not for my daughter wanting to share my blog (thanks darling) I would not even be going through the stress of it all. I feel like I did when I was trying to learn French in high school (what? mega tag what? code where? verify site how?) talk about a new language and feeling like a fish out of water. While for others, site verification may be like second nature; but, for me it is charting unfamiliar territory.

I guess I should not complain. For it was my daughter that brought me into the 21st century with her teaching me how to use Microsoft Word software. I was one with antiquated thoughts and honestly believed that technology would destroy the minds of people. Meaning, people would be so fixated on using the computer or other tech devices that they would forget how to create and tap into their soul. Oh, but how time does bring about a change. For now I do understand that technology can be used as a teaching and learning tool. More than this, technology if used correctly can empower those with disabilities, give voice to the underrepresented, and even aid with winning the most powerful position in the world-President of the United States of America.

Let me state hear, that I am not naive. I do understand that groups of individuals have distorted the very use of why various technologies were created. However, it is important that those of us called to educate should train those in our care to be responsible and accountable for how they use technology. For they need to understand that once voices (positive or negative) and or visuals are put into cyberspace they remain there for the rest of their lives and beyond. In other words, we all need to be safe when participating in this wide world of technology.

January 15, 2011

Watching the Calories-A Round Pound

As with many people my age, I find myself picking up more pounds then dropping them. I just read this article on yahoo about six small steps that will help with losing weight. After reading the article, I feel confident that I can drop some pounds and at least walk up my flight of stairs that lead to the top floor of my house without heavy breathing (LOL).
However, the real challenge is when do I begin? I have made so many attempts at weight loss from items purchased from health food stores to homemade remedies given by friends or some news advise given from some electronic source-Internet, television, or even the radio. All I really want to do is to lose these 25+ pounds and keep them off.
One key ingredient no matter what I do is that I must exercise (sigh). As a former athlete, I find this the most challenging part of the task. I must start this regiment if anything is going to really happen. Well, I am off to get my hair done, first. Why is she going to get her hair done first, you may be asking? Well, for me getting my head straight both on the inside (mentally) and the outside (physically) helps me to get a clear focus on any idea that is twirling around in my head. See, while under the dryer, I will think about my plan of action of how to lose at least 25 pounds and keep it off. To be truthful, keeping your hair done is one of those things I got advice from my mother as a child and I have never been able to shake it.
Back to point at hand, losing a round pound. I can really live with wearing a size 16 misses and below comfortably. I must come out of my plus size attire immediately. Oh, the struggle of looking at clothes in my closet that have a 14 misses tag that I have never been able to put on because of my roundness (huh!)
Based on the advise from the above link, my plan should include: 1-drink less calories, 2-eat more protein (my husband tells me this all the time), 3-eat more fiber (gives me a lot of gas), 4-avoid junk foods, 5-add 2,000 steps a day, and  6-stop sitting so much in front of the television and computer and do more standing keep your body in motion. Now, how I will do these things will become a part of my plan.  Time to strategize.....

January 12, 2011

The Beginning

It is the first day of my posting. So.. I was thinking that I really want this to be like so profound and a platform for how I really feel about life and all the other complex issues that are associated with becoming a middle aged female. Basically, I just wanted to start a blog. I saw the (2009) Julie and Julia movie about a little over a year ago and her self discovery through blogging. I then started reading about how to successfully create a blog off and on, and surfed different formats give or take a year. Then I thought, that it would be interesting to see how long could I keep this up? Especially since I get these great thoughts of "grandeur" and go off to tackle them (smile to anyone that really knows me).

Let me state here and now, "I am not an English major", so if you find some grammatical errors, okay (LOL). I think-the LOL part. See you somewhere in the middle, soon.