
January 18, 2011

Site Rating:Keeping it Safe

I have spent the last two days trying to figure out how the Norton Security Safe Web works. Let me tell you, if it was not for my daughter wanting to share my blog (thanks darling) I would not even be going through the stress of it all. I feel like I did when I was trying to learn French in high school (what? mega tag what? code where? verify site how?) talk about a new language and feeling like a fish out of water. While for others, site verification may be like second nature; but, for me it is charting unfamiliar territory.

I guess I should not complain. For it was my daughter that brought me into the 21st century with her teaching me how to use Microsoft Word software. I was one with antiquated thoughts and honestly believed that technology would destroy the minds of people. Meaning, people would be so fixated on using the computer or other tech devices that they would forget how to create and tap into their soul. Oh, but how time does bring about a change. For now I do understand that technology can be used as a teaching and learning tool. More than this, technology if used correctly can empower those with disabilities, give voice to the underrepresented, and even aid with winning the most powerful position in the world-President of the United States of America.

Let me state hear, that I am not naive. I do understand that groups of individuals have distorted the very use of why various technologies were created. However, it is important that those of us called to educate should train those in our care to be responsible and accountable for how they use technology. For they need to understand that once voices (positive or negative) and or visuals are put into cyberspace they remain there for the rest of their lives and beyond. In other words, we all need to be safe when participating in this wide world of technology.

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